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April 27.2021
3 Minutes Read

What Persuasion Has to Do with Business

Want your business to become more successful? If so, you might want to use your powers of persuasion. 

Persuasion is an important part of running a business. Often associated with marketing, it is actually useful throughout most areas of the company. Read on to find out more about what persuasion has to do with business, and why it’s so important. 

It Motivates Your Staff 

When you have great persuasive skills, it can really help to motivate your staff. Your employees are the backbone of the company, helping to keep it running and contributing to customer satisfaction. So, you need to make sure they too are satisfied and motivated. Persuasion skills help to remind staff why they are doing what they’re doing. You can use it to get them to work harder, be more focused and to boost their productivity. As long as you repeat what is expected of them daily, you’ll find it doesn’t take too long to use the power of persuasion to boost staff performance. 

Helping You to Generate More Customers 

The most obvious way persuasion is linked to business is that it helps you to attract new customers. A large part of running a successful business is being able to generate a consistent flow of new customers. With the art of persuasion, you can set yourself apart from your competitors. You can convince new customers to choose you, clearly explaining the benefits of why they should do so. With marketing, persuasion is an essential skill. You need to be able to convince potential customer’s that they should buy from you. So, at the very least, persuasion is a skill your marketing team should have. 

Bringing in Investors

At some point, you may need financial assistance to push your business forward. This may mean you’ll need to bring in investors. When you’re trying to get investors to give you a cash injection, you’re going to need excellent persuasion skills. Obviously, figures such as your financial reports will also be required. However, it’s your presentation and pitch which will ultimately decide how likely it is the investors will come on board.  

Achieving Good Deals with Suppliers 

Similarly, persuasion helps with achieving good deals with suppliers. While the internet has made it easier to get the best deals with suppliers anyway, through comparison websites and reviews, persuasion still plays a role. You can use persuasion skills to negotiate a better deal. You can also use them to develop better relationships with suppliers. This will help to ensure faster goods deliveries, as well as grant you more understanding if payments are ever late. 

As you can see, persuasion has a huge link to business. The above are just some of the ways it can help with the day-to-day running of a company. While some people have natural persuasion skills, others need to develop them. So, if yours could do with some fine tuning, now’s the time to focus on boosting those persuasion skills to get ahead in business.   



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